Any user eg supplier users and the customer can easily view and access applications pending review via Applications menu. Just click on any business name of a company to view the different states for the checks on any application.
Grey dots denote checks that are in progress / pending action
Blue dots denote checks that are complete/ ready to review/ view
Estimated timelines for in progress/ pending checks;
- CREDIT CHECKS these will be complete and available to view immediately
- TRADE REFERENCES you can either complete these in-house or if you have switched on Total Risk Management to complete the checks - these will be complete in c 24 hours
- PERSONAL GUARANTEE(S) the guarantor receives the email invite to action at the time when applicant submits the form. If guarantor(s) has not actioned the invite within 24 hours they will be emailed a prompt to action the guarantee. As soon as guarantor has actioned the email invite ( accept or decline to be a guarantor for the trade account) the check will show